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BioTe® Multi-Strain Probiotic 20B


BioTe® Multi-Strain Probiotic 20B
BioTe® Multi-Strain Probiotic 20B
BioTe® Multi-Strain Probiotic 20B

BioTe® Multi-Strain Probiotic 20B


Probiotics are living microorganisms, like bacteria and yeast, that reside in our gut and are vital for the body to function properly. However, our contemporary diet and modern medicine have made it very easy for our bodies to lose the most important types of gut bacteria, leaving us to slow down or become sluggish. This is when our hormone therapy supplements may help.

Both BioTE MUTI-STRAIN PROBIOTIC 20B and BioTE BACILLUS COAGULANS help support the microbiota bacteria, which are part of the microbiome—or all the bacteria and other organisms that inhabit the gut, plus the genetic material and metabolites associated with these bacteria. The microbiome plays a role in the recycling and metabolizing of our bodies’ hormones, such as thyroid hormones and estrogen.

BioTE MUTI-STRAIN PROBIOTIC 20B contains 20 billion active cultures per capsule and supports the digestive tract and immune function of individuals under stress, while BioTE BACILLUS COAGULANS contains one strain of bacteria that is strong and stable enough to survive stomach acid, retains its potency in the intestines, and is an excellent choice for acute events and recovery. 

When taken daily, this BioTE supplement can help promote good gut microbiota bacteria that supports a healthy immune system, hormone and pH balance, weight management, and a steady digestive system.